Cavalor Electrolyte Balance is a tasty mix of quality electrolytes and vitamins. It has a positive impact on the speed of recovery.
This item is available in Large Pack format and represents a cost saving of over 43% if purchased in a 20Kg bag.
Electrolytes (potassium, chloride, sodium) combined with water help rehydrate the horse.
When the horse sweats heavily a lot of electrolytes are lost.
This causes the muscle cells to work more slowly, hampering muscle contraction.
In turn this may lead to weakness and muscle cramps.
After heavy exercise and sweating it is crucial to restore the electrolyte balance to normal as soon as possible.
For best effect you should feed within 1 hour of the effort.
The horse must always have fresh water available.
Key Ingredients
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Fructose
- Dextrose
During competitions you may use Cavalor Energy Booster (paste in tubes), containing electrolytes as well as additional B-vitamins and amino acids.
Feeding Rate Information
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