Copper Max by HorselinePro – Just Riding

Copper Max by HorselinePro

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A horse supplement containing copper in the form of a chelate. It replenishes copper deficiencies and enriches the diet poor in this element. Copper has a beneficial effect on the maintenance of good condition of the connective tissue (ligaments, tendons), maturation of articular cartilage, strengthening of immunity and facilitates the transport of iron in the body. It is a particularly important element of the diet in the development of young animals and in the feeding of pregnant mares (last trimester). Copper deficiency causes depigmentation of the hair and skin, changes in the bones resulting from worse collagen binding, and anemia in foals.

apple pomace, brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), ground linseed, copper chelate

Analytical Ingredients / 100g:
Protein: 20.1%
Fiber: 12.4%
Total ash: 6.04%
Moisture: 7.2%
Fat: 5.8%

Dietary additives / 1000g:
Copper 15,790 mg

Dosage / 24h
Horses (550 kg b.w.): 2 measures
Ponies: 1 scoop


Way of giving:
mix with concentrated feed. Measure in the package. One scoop contains about 4.7 g of the preparation. The content of copper in 2 scoops is approximately 150 mg.

310 g

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